Day 12: Vim… I mean… I’m Trying

I have been using “Vim” as part of Lecture 3 from the MIT missing semester course. I am learning but man this is different.


Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:

  • Watched a few videos on vim.
  • Played the first 3 levels of Vim Adventure. I don’t think I’m going to pay for the rest. Sorry
  • Practiced using vim by opening and moving through a file in Normal mode.

Vim Progress

I have learned and practiced some of the basic movement keys in Vim. So far I still suck but it’s a process and I’m here for the long haul. Playing a bit of Vim Adventures helped me get better at using the arrow key mapping but I still can’t get comfortable sticking to the home row. I still think about the keys I am pressing.

I am happy with what I have done. I also wrote this table which will be a good reference for me as I move through more of the tools available in Vim.

Arrow Movements KeysAction
jMove cursor down.
kMove cursor up.
hMove cursor left.
lMove cursor right.
Word Movement KeysAction
wMove cursor to the beginning of the next word.
eMove cursor to the end of the current word (If already on at the end of the current word, will move to the end of the next word).
bMove cursor to the beginning of the current word (If already at the beginning of the current word, will move to the beginning of the previous word).
Line Movement KeysAction
0Move cursor to the beginning of the line
^Move cursor to the first non-blank character in the line.
$Move cursor to the end of the line.
Screen Movement KeysAction
HMove cursor to the top of the screen.
MMove cursor to the middle of the screen.
LMove cursor to the bottom of the screen.
Scroll Movement KeysAction
Ctrl + uScroll cursor up the page a few lines or so.
Ctrl + dScroll cursor down the page a few lines or so.
File Movement KeysAction
ggScroll cursor to the beginning of the file.
GScroll cursor down to the end of the file.
Line Number based MovementAction
: {line Number}Move the cursor to the specified line number.
{line Number} GMove the cursor to the specified line number.
%In Normal mode it will move the cursor to the next set of bracket/brace pair ( ([{<>}]) ) in the line or below the curret line.


That’s all for today. If you are interested in the MIT course you can check out the video lecture I’m currently going through. The lecture is helpful but isn’t sufficient by itself. Anyways, until next time PEACE!