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Day 14: Vimtutor is a Great tutor

I did not expect Vimtutor to be so useful. The pacing is great and the activities are straightforward.


Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:

  • Learned some new vim key codes like c$ and Ctrl g
  • Started reorganizing my notes for Vim now that I better understand how the key codes work in the different modes.

Vim Progress

Today was another solid day. I have continued to improve and the difference between using standard VS Code and using the Vim emulator is shrinking. The reason for my improvement is in my use of more effecient key codes. Yesterday I was using visual mode and the w key to highlight text for copying and/or deletion. Today I am using key codes like yy , dd , {n}y , etc to cut out the excess. It has been very useful but the best key codes I learned today were the c$ and Ctrl g key codes.

  • c$ Deletes all the text from the cursors position until the end of the line AND enters you into Insert mode. This is very efficient for me personally since I need to do this type of sequence a lot.
  • Ctrl g Displays our line number at the bottom of the window. It also provides information on how far (in a percentage) we are in the file.
  • Ctrl o Returns the cursor back to where it previously was. This one is an honourable mention for me since I haven’t used it much yet but I think it is very useful. I can imagine using this a lot once I actually start using the search feature and start jumping around files rather than scrolling up and down.

I still have not started playing Vim Golf but I’m feeling more confident in trying it out. Maybe tomorrow LOL.


That’s all for today. If you are interested in the MIT course you can check out the video lecture I’m currently going through. The lecture is helpful but isn’t sufficient by itself. Anyways, until next time PEACE!

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