Day 15: Finished Vimtutor & Started Dart Sass

Vim configuration files are next on my list but I took some time to look into Dart Sass while I slowly start to work on improving the blogs styling.


Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:

  • Learned some new Vim Key codes like o , O, and /search_Term
  • Started reading through the Sass docs. More specifically the Dart Sass docs. I figure it’s time for me to revisit my Sass notes and improve on them with my new knowledge.

Vim Progress

The Vimtutor was great and it helped me solidify my knowledge on the basic key codes. Tomorrow I will start learning about vim config files. Personally, I have never been great with config files but I understand why they are so important. Like every great crafts person, our tools are our livelihood. Being able to import and export our preferred settings is extremely valuable.

Anyways, here are the key codes I added to my arsenal. I found them to be very useful.

  • o Adds a new line underneath the cursor and places the user into Insert mode.
  • O Adds a new line above the cursor and places the user into Insert mode.
  • /search_term and :set hls are great for searching through a file and highlighting the matching results. Additionally if you want a case insensitive search you can include /c after the searcch_term .

Sass Dart

I was looking to restructure the WordPress theme for my blog and I wanted to use Sass. The problem was that I was second guessing my own decisions and knowledge of Sass. I decided to take this opportunity as a good time to review and re-format my notes on Sass.

I started my review by going through the Dart Sass guide since I remembered how uncomfortable I was setting up the compiler without using JavaScript and all the other tools that come default with create-react-app.

As I read through the docs I realized that it functioned almost exactly like any other shell program/command. I was very excited once I realized this and tried to run it right away.

Only one problem… I primarly use Git Bash as my terminal on Windows but Dart Sass was not accessible on it. So now I want to solve this problem and better understand $PATH and how I can add program paths to the Git Bash bin as well as how my Windows Command Prompt can utilize it even though I did not see it in the System’s Path variable.

Maybe I’m missing something but I am really enjoying the journey I’m on in answering these questions.


That’s all for today. If you are interested in the MIT course you can check out the video lecture I’m currently going through. The lecture is helpful but isn’t sufficient by itself. Anyways, until next time PEACE!