Well… Today was not easy. I wrote my first function in assembly only to realize that it wouldn’t run because the sample code is built for a x86 processor and not my x86_64 processor. So now I need to learn the syntax difference. Additionally, I am still struggling with conceptualizing how the stack is being used with functions in my program. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:
- Went through Chapter 4 on “Programming from the Ground Up”. I tried to breakdown the sample program so that I can walk through all the changes that are happening within the programs stack. It hasn’t been easy but I figure a few more swings at it will be enough for me to understand it.
Power Program code
# PURPOSE: Program to illustrate how functions work
# This program will compute the value of
# 2^3 + 5^2
# Everything in the main program is stored in registers,
# so the data section doesn’t have anything.
.section .data
.section .text
.globl _start
pushl $3 # push second argument
pushl $2 # push first argument
call power # call the function
addl $8, %esp # move the stack pointer back
pushl %eax # save the first answer before
# calling the next function
pushl $2 # push second argument
pushl $5 # push first argument
call power # call the function
addl $8, %esp # move the stack pointer back
popl %ebx # The second answer is already
# in %eax. We saved the
# first answer onto the stack,
# so now we can just pop it
# out into %ebx
addl %eax, %ebx # add them together
# the result is in %ebx
movl $1, %eax # exit (%ebx is returned)
int $0x80
# PURPOSE: This function is used to compute
# the value of a number raised to
# a power.
# INPUT: First argument - the base number
# Second argument - the power to
# raise it to
# OUTPUT: Will give the result as a return value
# NOTES: The power must be 1 or greater
# %ebx - holds the base number
# %ecx - holds the power
# -4(%ebp) - holds the current result
# %eax is used for temporary storage
.type power, @function
pushl %ebp # save old base pointer
movl %esp, %ebp # make stack pointer the base pointer
subl $4, %esp # get room for our local storage
movl 8(%ebp), %ebx # put first argument in %eax
movl 12(%ebp), %ecx # put second argument in %ecx
movl %ebx, -4(%ebp) # store current result
cmpl $1, %ecx # if the power is 1, we are done
je end_power
movl -4(%ebp), %eax # move the current result into %eax
imull %ebx, %eax # multiply the current result by
# the base number
movl %eax, -4(%ebp) # store the current result
decl %ecx # decrease the power
jmp power_loop_start # run for the next power
movl -4(%ebp), %eax # return value goes in %eax
movl %ebp, %esp # restore the stack pointer
popl %ebp # restore the base pointer
That’s all for today. If you are interested in the MIT course you can check out the video lecture I’m currently going through. The lecture is helpful but isn’t sufficient by itself. Anyways, until next time PEACE!