Day 03: Eloquent JavaScript COMPLETE

There are a lot of things I want to do next but which will give me the best value – who knows. My focus is still to improve on my Algo & DS skills since they suck but networking and backend development is still high on my priorities. I also still want to keep alive my revision of things like JavaScript and React and fill in some of my knowledge gaps. Building new practical projects is also important to apply what I learn. Perhaps I can mix up everything. That will require a lot of discipline and pacing which is tough. I guess I’ll figure it out eventually through trial and error.


Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:

  • Data structures -> Started going through another freeCodeCamp YouTube video covering data structures and algorithms for beginners. I think I am in an awkward position of not being a noob on the topic but not being a pro. I just have to keep swinging and trying to improve. Hash tables, and graphs are my current goals after finishing my generic algorithm and data structure playlist.
  • JavaScript -> Finished reading through chapter 20 of “Eloquent JavaScript” by Marijn Haverbeke. The chapter covered Node.js. The concept of streams of data when a server and client are communicating is something that I am still not entirely comfortable with. I am however working on better understanding networking basics which might help. This concludes my current reading of the book. I did not build any of the last few projects. I felt they were more involved than I wanted them to be for my current goals. I will eventually come back to them as I think they are good practice. Up next is Webpack and Babel before moving onto reading some books on React. This year’s revision is looking pretty good tbh. I am pretty happy with my progress.

Goal For Round 7 of the #100DaysofCode Challenge

This is my seventh round of the “#100daysofcode” challenge. I will be continuing my work from round five and round six into round seven. I am currently working through the book “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell. My goal is to become more familiar with algorithms and data structures. This goal was derived from my goal to better understand operating systems and key programs that I use in the terminal regularly e.g. Git. This goal was in turn derived from my desire to better understand the fundamental tools used for coding outside of popular GUIs. This in turn was derived from my desire to be a better back-end developer.

I have no idea if my path is correct but I am walking down this road anyways. Worst case scenario I learn a whole bunch of stuff that will help me out on my own personal projects.