Finished building out the UI but honestly I don’t feel like putting the finishing touches on it yet. It feels like busy work and not a huge priority. I will probably come back around to it and finish the bonus tasks later. It’s probably best to save it as a change of pace task when I am bored with some other topic.
Okay, so here are the highlights of what I did:
- Practice -> Finished working on the second half of the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” project. I finished the removal and resetting of element at different stages of the game. I still need to style but I think I will leave that alone for now. I am confident in my ability to style components. I want to keep focusing on improving on my programming skills specifically. That part of the project is done. I’ll come back to this and polish it before I add it to my portfolio. For now I’ll just move on. I don’t want to linger. Check out the
branch to see the changes
Rock Paper Scissor JavaScript So Far
* Code Outline:
* - init()
* - game()
* - startGame()
* - restart()
* - computerPlay()
* - playerPlay()
* - insertNewRow()
* - playRound()
* - updateGameMem()
* - endGame()
function init(){
let startBtn = document.querySelector("#start-btn");
startBtn.addEventListener("click", game);
function game(){
const choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissor"];
const results = ["win", "loss", "tie"];
const rounds = 5;
const playerScore = document.querySelector("#player-score");
const computerScore = document.querySelector("#computer-score");
const gameMsgCont = document.querySelector("#game-msg-section");
const gamebtnCont = document.querySelector("#choice-section");
const gameMsg = document.querySelector("#game-msg");
const table = document.querySelector("#scoreboard")
const startBtn = document.querySelector("#start-btn");
const btns = [];
let result;
let wins = 0, losses = 0, roundNum = 1;
function startGame(){
startBtn.removeEventListener('click', game);
gameMsg.textContent = "First to Win 5 Rounds Wins!"
// Construct and set properties for each game button choice => {
const btn = document.createElement("button")
btn.setAttribute("id", `${choice}-btn`);
btn.setAttribute("data-choice", choice);
btn.addEventListener("click", playerPlay);
const img = document.createElement("img")
img.setAttribute("alt", choice)
playerScore.textContent = wins;
computerScore.textContent = losses;
table.textContent = '';
function restart(){
startBtn.textContent = "Play Again!";
startBtn.addEventListener('click', game);
wins = 0;
losses = 0;
function computerPlay(){
return choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
function playerPlay(e){
let value = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-choice");
playRound(value, computerPlay())
function insertNewRow(){
const row = document.createElement("tr");
const rCol = document.createElement("td");
rCol.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`R ${roundNum}:`))
const wCol = document.createElement("td");
const lCol = document.createElement("td");
if(result == "win"){
else if(result == "loss"){
else if(result == "tie"){
// Update page by appending new rows to table
function playRound(playerSelection, computerSelection) {
case "rock":
if(computerSelection == "paper") result = results[1];
else if(computerSelection == "rock") result = results[2];
else result = results[0]
case "paper":
if(computerSelection == "scissor") result = results[1];
else if(computerSelection == "paper") result = results[2];
else result = results[0]
case "scissor":
if(computerSelection == "rock") result = results[1];
else if(computerSelection == "scissor") result = results[2];
else result = results[0]
result = "Invalid Player Choice";
function updateGameMem(){
// Update the game memory
// to record the result of the round
if(result == "win"){
gameMsg.innerText = "Player won the round!"
else if(result == "loss"){
gameMsg.innerText = "Player lost the round!"
else {
gameMsg.innerText = "Player tied with the computer this round!"
insertNewRow(table, result);
playerScore.textContent = wins;
computerScore.textContent = losses;
//Check if Game is over
if(wins >= 5 || losses >= 5) endGame()
function endGame(){
gameMsg.innerText = `End of the game:\nPlayer won ${wins} rounds\nComputer won ${losses} rounds`;
// Remove game buttons
btns.forEach(btn =>
btn.removeEventListener("click", playerPlay) );
gamebtnCont.textContent = "";
Goal For Round 7 of the #100DaysofCode Challenge
This is my seventh round of the “#100daysofcode” challenge. I will be continuing my work from round five and round six into round seven. I am currently working through the book “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell. My goal is to become more familiar with algorithms and data structures. This goal was derived from my goal to better understand operating systems and key programs that I use in the terminal regularly e.g. Git. This goal was in turn derived from my desire to better understand the fundamental tools used for coding outside of popular GUIs. This in turn was derived from my desire to be a better back-end developer.
I have no idea if my path is correct but I am walking down this road anyways. Worst case scenario I learn a whole bunch of stuff that will help me out on my own personal projects.